The choir’s Constitution can also be downloaded as an MS Word document from HERE



Ratified and adopted at a Special General Meeting 26th April 1994, amended at the AGM 19th September 1995, 23rd September 1997, Special General Meeting 14th July 1998, AGM 15th September 1998, AGMs 14th September 1999, 19th September 2000, 18th September 2001 and Special General Meeting 31st October 2017 and AGM 3rd September 2019.


a)    The choir shall be called the WEYBRIDGE MALE VOICE CHOIR

b)    It shall be non-political and non-sectarian.


a)    The study and practice of choral music in order to foster public knowledge.

b)   To assist and support such charitable institutions or purposes as the choir committee shall from time to time determine.


President, Vice Presidents, Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Music Director, Concert Secretary, Stage Manager, Public Relations Officer, Librarian, and Section Representatives


a) The affairs of the choir shall be managed by an Executive Committee, which shall consist of the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Concert Secretary and not more than five other members. One nomination from each vocal section and one from the Music Sub-Committee (excluding the Musical Director and the Accompanist). The Musical Director shall be an officer of the choir and an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee, entitled to attend meetings but without voting rights.

b)    It is the section representatives' responsibility to appoint a deputy if unable to attend a meeting. The deputies may only vote on issues in accordance with the specific instructions of their section representative.

c)   Only the Executive Committee may vote on any contentious issue and the results of the vote to be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.

d)    There will be a Music Sub-Committee consisting of the Musical Director and co-opted members. (See also Paragraph 10. Music)



a)   At the Annual General Meeting of the choir each member shall have only one vote.  Members may vote in person, but if unable to attend, they may nominate a proxy to vote on their behalf.

b)    The officers and Executive Committee of the choir shall be elected by a majority of the members voting, by ballot if necessary, at the Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting shall be held within three months of the end of the choir's financial year or at any other date sanctioned by the committee or at a properly called Special General Meeting. Two weeks notice shall be given for such a meeting.

c)    In the event of a vacancy occurring mid-term a temporary appointment can be made with the approval of the committee until ratified by the membership at the next General Meeting.

 d)  Committee members must be at least 18 years of age.

e)   Officers and members of the Committee are elected to serve for a period of one year.

f)   The Musical Director, Deputy Conductor(s) and Accompanist(s) shall be appointed by the Executive Committee for a term to be agreed by the Committee and subject to a trial period of three months.

g)   Minutes of the AGM shall be taken by the Secretary or other person appointed by the Executive Committee and shall be reviewed by the Committee and published to all choir members no later than 60 days after the date of the AGM.

h)  At the first meeting after the AGM the Executive Committee shall appoint a deputy chairman and a minutes secretary.


a)    Committee meetings will be called by the secretary as business dictates (normally bi-monthly) and at least two weeks’ notice of such meetings shall be given. Executive Committee members and officers unable to attend these meetings must notify the Secretary as soon as possible. Any member of the committee unable to attend three consecutive meetings without an acceptable reason shall be deemed to have resigned from the committee and such vacancy shall be filled as in 5.c).

b)    A quorum shall be five voting members for a committee meeting.


a)    Membership shall be open to all males having attained 16 years of age.

b)   A person shall be deemed to be a member of the choir each year on the payment of his annual subscription subject only to the approval of the committee.

c)    Former members wishing to re-join should make an application to the Secretary.

d)    Rehearsals shall be held at least weekly at a time and location to be announced at each AGM.

All members are expected to attend except during any summer recess, which is decided after consultation with the committee and the Musical Director. Members are expected to attend at least two out of the four rehearsals immediately prior to a concert and at least four out of the six rehearsals prior to a tour, or festival, otherwise they may be excluded. Poor attendances will be referred to the executive committee for appropriate consideration and action.

e)   Concert engagements shall be decided upon by the Executive Committee and, if possible, three months advance notice given.

f)    Members are expected to appear at all public functions in a clean and tidy manner and wearing the appropriate uniform and in a manner as may be further directed by the Stage Manager/Musical Director.

g)    Members are expected to behave at all times in a responsible manner. Any breach of discipline shall be dealt with by the Chairman immediately and all such matters should be brought to the attention of the Committee as soon as possible so that the appropriate course of action may be taken.

h)    For good and sufficient reason, the membership of an individual may be terminated by a decision of the Committee provided that the individual shall have the right to be heard by the Committee before a decision is made final.


a)    The President, Vice Presidents and Life Members shall be elected by the members either at an AGM or, if the Committee feels the method more appropriate, by ballot. Before any vote is taken the Committee shall make its recommendation known to the members.


a)   The membership subscription shall be determined at the AGM with due consideration being given to any recommendation by the Committee.

b)    The subscription shall be paid within one month of the AGM, or at the time of joining for new members.

c)    Members joining before 31st December shall pay the full rate and any member joining from the 1st January shall pay half the full rate.

d)    The financial year of the choir shall terminate on the 30th June.

e)   The books and accounts shall be subject to independent examination between the end of the financial year and the AGM.

f)     The independent examiner shall be appointed at the AGM.

g)   Suitable bank account(s) shall be maintained in the name of the choir and shall be operated under the signatures of any two of the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.

h)   The income and property of the choir, whence so ever derived, shall be applied solely towards promoting the objects of the choir as set forth above and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred either directly or indirectly to any member, or members, of the choir except in payment of legitimate expenses incurred on behalf of the choir. Receipts must be obtained for all monies paid out and for cheques drawn on the choir's bank accounts.

i)     The Musical Director and the accompanist will be remunerated in accordance with contracted agreements at amounts to be agreed annually by the executive committee.   

j)      The treasurer shall present a financial report at each Committee meeting.


a)   All music is the property of the choir and must not be sold or loaned without the sanction of the committee. No music may be borrowed by a member for any purpose without the permission of the librarian.

b)   A deposit may be required for the security of the music in possession of members at a rate to be determined from time to time by the committee.

c)   Choice of music and programme content for the year shall be made by the Music Sub Committee. The Musical Director shall be the sole person in charge at rehearsals and his/her decisions on all matters relating to music and performance shall be final at both rehearsals and concerts. Any member wishing to raise a matter at any of these meetings must wait until they are finished and then see his section representative on the committee who can then take the appropriate action.

d)   Programme selection for concerts shall be in the hands of the Musical Director, subject to the approval of the committee.


a)   A Special General Meeting may be called with 14 days’ notice at the request of at least 15% of the membership through the Secretary, together with an agenda. Any proposed changes to the Constitution must be lodged in writing with the Secretary at least one month before the Annual General Meeting.

b)   The Rules of the choir shall only be altered at the AGM or at a Special General Meeting duly called. No alteration shall be made to the Rules that would cause the choir at any time to cease to be a charity at law and no alteration shall be made to Rule 2, Rule 11 c), or this Rule without the prior written approval of the Charity Commission.

c)   If, upon the winding up or dissolution of the choir, there remains any property whatsoever after satisfaction of all debts and liabilities, the same shall not be distributed amongst the members of the choir. But shall be given, or transferred, to some other charitable institution, or institutions, having objects similar to the objects of the choir, such institution or institutions to be determined by the members of the choir at, or before, the time of the dissolution and in so far as effect cannot be given to such provision to some charitable object.

d)   A copy of these Rules and any subsequent amendments shall be given to each member.



Certified as a true copy of the rules and constitution adopted on the 26th April 1994. Amended 19th September 1995, 23rd September 1997, 14thJuly 1998, 15th September 1998, 14th September 1999, 19th September 2000, 18th September 2001, 31st October 2017 and 3rd September 2019.




